Monday, October 4, 2010

I know..I'm awful at updating this..

Well, as you know, I've graduated from SVA...which I dearly miss! I no longer reside in the city. Until I can get back onto my feet with a job, I won't be there. But, I've been trying to look for a job, and even a normal one as well and I haven't found anything still. But, I haven't lost hope. I know we're in a tough economy right now, and all I can do is keep looking and putting my work out there.

I have, however, been keeping myself busy by making fan-art for the upcoming New York Anime Festival/New York Comic Con which will be happening October 8-10 at the Javits Center in NYC. I have a table at NYAF with two of my friends. I've been making fan-art and it feels so weird cause I was so use to drawing original pieces. But, this is fun at the same time because I get to draw the chars. I love from video games/anime/manga. I am still pondering if I should make more work for it though it's a few days away. I have a bunch of things to sell already, but I think one more drawing shouldn't hurt.

A few months earlier, a friend & I sold our comics at MOCCA which is more of original work of companies and artists from SVA, and all over the world. It's a bit on the indie side, but it's quite amazing. And since, that was a good outcome, we decided to take a bigger step and sell our work at a even bigger convention.

I still haven't decided if I should put up my fan-art onto my site, because it is my portfolio. I'll see...

But for now, I must return to running errands and possibly more NYAF work! Ciao for now. <3

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Belated New Year! ^_^

I know! I's been forever since I wrote on here. But things are going well. This semester I will be preparing myself for MoCCA which is a small press convention where students show off their work. My friend Amy & I bought a booth, and going to have our individual comics as well as a collabed comic...which I am very excited about. Last semester we did a 6 page comic collab, and it came out really well. We're quite good at balancing each other out and working together.

I'm just about done with my 18 page comic based on Grimm's Red Riding Hood, but with my own dark twist to it :) It's a bummer because I'm getting artist block..since I am almost done with this comic, I need to start on a new one, but I have no idea what my next comic should be. My professor suggested to keep to 4-6 page comics now since it's getting close to MoCCA and the spring semester is already starting to go by quickly...last semester!! Then graduating @_@; whoo-boy!

Changing topics !! So, overall I've been enjoying the free time I have with family & friends but preparing myself for not only MoCCA but the end of the semester because our Chairman will be coming around and looking at our work..which makes me quite nervous, but it'll work out for the best.

I hope everyone's New Year is on a good start and stays a positive path! I've learned to get things you strive for, believe in it...tell it to yourself over and over to yourself...but in a positive manner, and it'll happen. If you think negative, then the worse will happen because you projected it that way! So all smiles =]! Keep a positive mind!

Much love!

Friday, October 30, 2009

One day to go..!

Last night was the school's Halloween Party, which was a bunch of fun. I am so glad I chose to dress up as Wonder Woman. I got a lot of compliments from it, and some drunk lady on my way to the diner said "Wonder Woman! I LOVE YOU!" haha it's so great! So, now today I am going with a group of friends and celebrating my friend Manny's birthday..going to go see Where the Wild Things Are. I'm one of those kids that didn't grow up with that book. I actually read it last year for the first time! I hear it's good.

Tomorrow I am seeing Michael Jackson's movie, which I am excited about...even though it's late at night..and I do want to celebrate Halloween dressed up! I'm still a kid at heart...I'd even love to go trick-or-treating! :3!

Anyways, I've gotten some work done for class. I am up to the 5th page on my portfolio, and soon onto the 6th, I did get a bit stuck but my professor helped me out of it (Thanks, Becky!)
I hope everyone has a great Halloween & weekend overall!!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Days of Freedom!? O_O!!!

I woke up around 11ish today...and first thing I always do is turn on my computer, because I like checking my e-mails and listening to music to start my day and get ready for class. Good thing I checked my e-mail...because my Abnormal Psych. professor is sick and cancelled class today which was 3:30-5:50pm. I enjoy that class, so..hopefully he'll get better soon! And then I realized...
I had a 7 week class that just ended last week for Wednesday 6-8:50pm..which means...I have no classes today or tomorrow! It's crazy..and feels strange, but I will definitely take this opportunity and work on my portfolio stuff that's on Thursday in the noon..and we'll be starting the new 7 week class "Anime Wonderland," which I cannot wait for :3!!

Now I am going to run some errands and run over to Walgreens for things since I got done fixing up some things on my portfolio site...

Ciao for nowwww!=]]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Puff up Like a Jigglypuff :3

At the moment, I am slowly procrastinating with my homework. I just have some questions due tomorrow for Abnormal Psychology, and I want to type up my script of diaologue for my Thursday night class since I won't be able to attend it this week, but I'll give my work to a friend to hand in for me.

I am slowly making way with my Portfolio Comic which is a twisted version of Grimm Brothers' Little Red Riding Hood bwahaha..x] it will be quite a comic!

Anyways, this is a pretty new blog for me. So, welcome to my portfolio blog...where I'll be posting things about my work..sometimes myself (only little :3) & I'm going to even start scanning sketches and long as my silly scanner behaves!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is New for me...

Yessum. Heylo. I'm trying this out for the first time. And, so yeah. This is where I'll just speak whatever is on my mind and whatever I feel like to...whoo!